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let's brand me

hi, friend! it's been a bit. i've finished up a huge year-long branding project for another small business, attended several markets and my gosh have the wheels in my head been turning. i've made a few logo changes in the last six years, updated the site many many times, but have never given herbert eudora the kind of love it truly deserves when it comes to online presence.

so i did just that. i branded the shit out of me!! yayyy!

if you're new here — i worked as a freelance graphic designer and photographer for several years after art school. for the longest time i thought i could only be one or the other (fiber artist OR designer). since discovering fiber art and starting this business six years ago, it's only proven me wrong over and over. it's taken me this long to realize how important (and special!) it is that i have a design background as a small business owner.

of course it's fun giving other businesses a brand identity, but there's nothing like giving one to your own. loving on and investing in your own business.

it seems like i've been working on this re-brand (is it really a RE-brand?) since 2018, but it just poured out of me within a few weeks. between the palms and the lettering and the palette of yummy neutrals — it just feels like me so so much. i hope you feel it, too.

so thankful for your support always. HBD HERBERT EUDORA!



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